Antivirus plugins
Moodle supports automatic virus scanning of files as they are uploaded by users. To enable this developers can write an antivirus plugin, which acts as a bridge between Moodle and the antivirus tooling.
A plugin to support the Open Source ClamAV antivirus engine is included with Moodle core as standard.
File structure
Antivirus plugins are located in the /lib/antivirus
Each plugin is in a separate subdirectory and consists of a number of mandatory files and any other files the developer is going to use.
View an example directory layout for the `antivirus_scanmyfile` plugin.
Some of the important files for the antivirus plugintype are described below. See the common plugin files documentation for details of other files which may be useful in your plugin.
Version metadata
File path: /version.php
The version.php contains metadata about the plugin.
It is used during the installation and upgrade of the plugin.
This file contains metadata used to describe the plugin, and includes information such as:
- the version number
- a list of dependencies
- the minimum Moodle version required
- maturity of the plugin
View example
Plugin settings
File path: /settings.php
You can define settings for your plugin that the administrator can configure by creating a settings.php
file in the root of your plugins' directory.
Settings must named in the following format:
By following the correct naming, all settings will automatically be stored in the config_plugins
database table.
Full details on how to create settings are available in the Admin settings documentation.
View example
Language files
File path: /lang/en/plugintype_pluginname.php
Each plugin must define a set of language strings with, at a minimum, an English translation. These are specified in the plugin's lang/en
directory in a file named after the plugin. For example the LDAP authentication plugin:
// Plugin type: `auth`
// Plugin name: `ldap`
// Frankenstyle plugin name: `auth_ldap`
// Plugin location: `auth/ldap`
// Language string location: `auth/ldap/lang/en/auth_ldap.php`
Every plugin must define the name of the plugin, or its pluginname
The get_string
API can be used to translate a string identifier back into a translated string.
get_string('pluginname', '[plugintype]_[pluginname]');
- See the String API documentation for more information on language files.
View example
Antivirus scanner
File path: /classes/scanner.php
The classes/scanner.php
class must be defined in the correct namespace for your plugin, and must extend the \core\antivirus\scanner
It is responsible for implementing the interface between Moodle and the antivirus scanning tool.
The following methods are compulsory:
is_configured(): bool
- returns true, if this antivirus plugin is configured.scan_file($file, $filename, $deleteinfected): void
- performs the $file scanning using antivirus functionality, using $filename as filename string in any reporting, deletes infected file if $deleteinfected is true.
If a virus is found the scan_file()
function must throw an instance of the \core\antivirus\scanner_exception
View example
tests/scanner_test.php (optional)
Writing unit tests is strongly encouraged as it can help to identify bugs, or changes in behaviour, that you had not anticipated.
Since antivirus plugins typically rely on an external dependency, it is usually a good idea to replace the real component with a test "double". You can see an example of this in Moodle in the antivirus_clamav unit tests.
The PHPUnit Manual contains a dedicated section on Test Doubles.
You may also wish to include some tests of the real system to ensure that upgrades to the Antivirus software do not break your plugin.